lec 17: 同步互斥spoc 思考题

  • 有"spoc"标记的题是要求拿清华学分的同学在实体课上完成的,对于学堂在线的选课同学是可选题目。


17.1 背景

  1. 请给出程序正确性的定义或解释。



  2. 在一个新运行环境中程序行为与原来的预期不一致,是错误吗?


  3. 程序并发执行有什么好处和障碍?




  4. 什么是原子操作?


17.2 现实生活中的同步问题

  1. 家庭采购中的同步问题的5种解决方案的核心思路是什么?举例描述可能的漏洞。







  2. 家庭采购中的同步问题与操作系统中进程同步有什么区别?



  3. 如何通过枚举和分类方法检查同步算法的正确性?


  4. 尝试描述方案四的正确性。


  5. 举例说明,互斥、死锁和饥饿的定义是什么?




17.3 临界区,禁用硬件中断,硬件原子操作同步方法

  1. 什么是临界区?


  2. 临界区的访问规则是什么?


  3. 禁用中断是如何实现对临界区的访问控制的?有什么优缺点?



  4. Test&Set原子操作是否可以实现Exchange原子操作? Exchange原子操作是否可以实现Test&Set原子操作?


17.4 基于软件的同步方法

  1. 软件同步方法中的5种解决方案(三种尝试方案、Peterson算法和Eisenberg算法)的核心思路是什么?举例描述可能的漏洞。

    方案一:turn 表示允许进入临界区的线程标识; 方案漏洞:交替进入临界区;

    方案二:flag[i] 表示线程i是否在临界区; 先判断,后修改变量; 方案漏洞:并发判断后,可能出现同时进入临界区;

    方案二:flag[i] 表示线程i想要进入临界区; 先修改变量,后判断; 方案漏洞:并发修改变量后,可能出现都无法进入临界区的情况;

    Peterson算法:turn 表示进入临界区的线程标识,flag[i] 表示线程i想要进入临界区; 先修改变量,后判断;后修改者等待; 只适用于两个进程; 方案正确性枚举判断:按写变量的顺序进行情况分类

    Eisenberg算法:flag[i] 表示线程i想要进入临界区,turn 表示进入临界区的线程标识(有多个想进入时); 进入区:先修改flag,后判断是否有多个想进入;后修改者等待; 退出区:修改turn; 适用于多个进程; 方案正确性枚举判断:按写变量flag[i]的顺序和变量turn当前值进行情况分类

  2. 尝试通过枚举和分类方法检查Peterson算法的正确性。

  3. 尝试准确描述Eisenberg同步算法,并通过枚举和分类方法检查其正确性。


CONCEPT: A shared variable named turn is used to keep track of whose turn it is to enter the critical section.

    shared int turn;
    turn = i ;
ENTRY PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* wait until it's our turn */
    while (turn != i ) {
EXIT PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* pass the turn on */
    turn = j ;


CONCEPT: A shared Boolean array named flags contains a flag for each process. The flag values are BUSY when the process is in its critical section (using the resource), or FREE when it is not.

    typedef char boolean;
    shared boolean flags[n - 1];
    flags[i ] = FREE;
    flags[j ] = FREE;
ENTRY PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* wait while the other process is in its CS */
    while (flags[j ] == BUSY) {
    /* claim the resource */
    flags[i ] = BUSY;
EXIT PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* release the resource */
    flags[i ] = FREE;


CONCEPT: Again we use a shared Boolean array as in Algorithm 2. Each process sets its flag before  testing the other flag, thus avoiding the problem of violating mutual exclusion.

    typedef char boolean;
    shared boolean flags[n -1];
    flags[i ] = FREE;
    flags[j ] = FREE;
ENTRY PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* claim the resource */
    flags[i ] = BUSY;
    /* wait if the other process is using the resource */
    while (flags[j ] == BUSY) {
EXIT PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* release the resource */
    flags[i ] = FREE;


CONCEPT: To avoid the deadlock problem of Algorithm 3, we periodically clear and reset our own flag while waiting for the other one.

    typedef char boolean;
    shared boolean flags[n -1];
    flags[i ] = FREE;
    flags[j ] = FREE;
ENTRY PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* claim the resource */
    flags[i ] = BUSY;
    /* wait if the other process is using the resource */
    while (flags[j ] == BUSY) {
        flags[i ] = FREE;
        delay a while ;
        flags[i ] = BUSY;
EXIT PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* release the resource */
    flags[i ] = FREE;


CONCEPT: Both the turn variable and the status flags are combined in a way which we (the requesting process) set our flag and then check our neighbor's flag. 


    typedef char boolean;
    shared boolean flags[n -1];
    shared int turn;
    turn = i ;
    flags[i ] = FREE;
    flags[j ] = FREE;
ENTRY PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* claim the resource */
    flags[i ] = BUSY;

    /* wait if the other process is using the resource */
    while (flags[j ] == BUSY) {

        /* if waiting for the resource, also wait our turn */
        if (turn != i ) {

            /* but release the resource while waiting */
            flags[i ] = FREE;
            while (turn != i ) {
            flags[i ] = BUSY;

EXIT PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* pass the turn on, and release the resource */
    turn = j ;
    flags[i ] = FREE;


CONCEPT: Both the turn variable and the status flags are used.


    typedef char boolean;
    shared boolean flags[n -1];
    shared int turn;
    turn = i ;
    flags[i ] = FREE;
    flags[j ] = FREE;
ENTRY PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* claim the resource */
    flags[i ] = BUSY;

    /* give away the turn */
    turn = j ;
    /* wait while the other process is using the resource *and* has the turn */
    while ((flags[j ] == BUSY) && (turn != i )) {
EXIT PROTOCOL (for Process i ):
    /* release the resource */
    flags[i ] = FREE;


CONCEPT: The turn variable and status flags are used as in Dekker's algorithm for the 2-process case. The flags now have three possible values: WAITING for a process in the entry protocol, waiting for the resource' ACTIVE for a process in the critical section, using the resource; and IDLE for other cases.

Process priority is maintained in circular order beginning with the one holding the turn. Each process begins the entry protocol by scanning all processes from the one with the turn up to itself. These are the only processes that might have to go first if there is competition.

If the scan finds all processes idle, the process advances tentatively to the ACTIVE state. However, it is still possible that another process which started scanning later but belongs before us will also reach this state. We check one more time to be sure there are no active processes.


    shared enum states {IDLE, WAITING, ACTIVE} flags[n -1];
    shared int turn;
    int index;    /* not shared! */
    turn = 0;
    for (index=0; index<n; index++) {
        flags[index] = IDLE;
ENTRY PROTOCOL (for Process i ):

    repeat {

        /* announce that we need the resource */
        flags[i] = WAITING;

        /* scan processes from the one with the turn up to ourselves. */
        /* repeat if necessary until the scan finds all processes idle */
        index = turn;
        while (index != i) {
            if (flag[index] != IDLE) index = turn;
            else index = index+1 mod n;

        /* now tentatively claim the resource */
        flags[i] = ACTIVE;

        /* find the first active process besides ourselves, if any */
        index = 0;
        while ((index < n) && ((index == i) || (flags[index] != ACTIVE))) {
            index = index+1;

    /* if there were no other active processes, AND if we have the turn
       or else whoever has it is idle, then proceed.  Otherwise, repeat
       the whole sequence. */
    } until ((index >= n) && ((turn == i) || (flags[turn] == IDLE)));

    /* claim the turn and proceed */
    turn = i;
EXIT PROTOCOL (for Process i ):

    /* find a process which is not IDLE */
    /* (if there are no others, we will find ourselves) */
    index = turn+1 mod n;
    while (flags[index] == IDLE) {
        index = index+1 mod n;

    /* give the turn to someone that needs it, or keep it */
    turn = index;

    /* we're finished now */
    flag[i] = IDLE;


CONCEPT: Both status values and turn values are used. The status array is expanded to an integer value for each process, which is used to track that process' progress in scanning the status of other processes. The turn value is also expanded to an integer array. Its values represent the relative ordering for each pair of processes.


shared int flags[NUMPROCS];
shared int turn[NUMPROCS - 1];
int index;

for (index = 0; index < (NUMPROCS); index++) {

    flags[index] = -1

for (index = 0; index < (NUMPROCS-1); index++) {
    turn[index] = 0;

ENTRY PROTOCOL (for Process i):
/* repeat for all partners */
for (count = 0; count < (NUMPROCS-1); count++) {

    flags[i] = count;
    turn[count] = i;

    "wait until (for all k != i, flag[k]<count) or (turn[count] != i)"


EXIT PROTOCOL (for Process i):
/* tell everyone we are finished */
flags[i] = -1;


CONCEPT: A process waiting to enter its critical section chooses a number. This number must be greater than all other numbers currently in use. There is a global shared array of current numbers for each process. The entering process checks all other processes sequentially, and waits for each one which has a lower number. Ties are possible; these are resolved using process IDs.


    typedef char boolean;
    shared boolean choosing[n]
    shared int num[n];
    for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
        num[j] = 0;
ENTRY PROTOCOL (for Process i):
    /* choose a number */
    choosing[i] = TRUE;
    num[i] = max(num[0], ..., num[n-1]) + 1;
    choosing[i] = FALSE;

    /* for all other processes */
    for (j=0; j < n; j++) {

        /* wait if the process is currently choosing */
        while (choosing[j]) {}

        /* wait if the process has a number and comes ahead of us */
        if ((num[j] > 0) &&
          ((num[j] < num[i]) ||
          (num[j] == num[i]) && (j < i))) {
            while (num[j] > 0) {}

EXIT PROTOCOL (for Process i):
    /* clear our number */
    num[i] = 0;

13.(spoc)基于“python, ruby, C, C++,LISP、JavaScript”等语言模拟实现Eisenberg同步算法,并给出覆盖所有枚举分类的测试用例,在实现报告写出设计思路和测试结果分析。

17.5 高级抽象的同步方法

  1. 如何证明TS指令和交换指令的等价性?


  2. 自旋锁(spinlock)和无忙等待锁是如何实现同步的?它们有什么不同?



  3. 为什么硬件原子操作指令能简化同步算法的实现?




  1. (spoc)阅读简化x86计算机模拟器的使用说明,理解基于简化x86计算机的汇编代码。

  2. (spoc)了解race condition. 进入race-condition代码目录

    • 执行 ./x86.py -p loop.s -t 1 -i 100 -R dx, 请问dx的值是什么?
    • 执行 ./x86.py -p loop.s -t 2 -i 100 -a dx=3,dx=3 -R dx , 请问dx的值是什么?
    • 执行 ./x86.py -p loop.s -t 2 -i 3 -r -a dx=3,dx=3 -R dx, 请问dx的值是什么?
    • 变量x的内存地址为2000, ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 1 -M 2000, 请问变量x的值是什么?
    • 变量x的内存地址为2000, ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 2 -a bx=3 -M 2000, 请问变量x的值是什么?为何每个线程要循环3次?
    • 变量x的内存地址为2000, ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 2 -M 2000 -i 4 -r -s 0, 请问变量x的值是什么?
    • 变量x的内存地址为2000, ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 2 -M 2000 -i 4 -r -s 1, 请问变量x的值是什么?
    • 变量x的内存地址为2000, ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -t 2 -M 2000 -i 4 -r -s 2, 请问变量x的值是什么?
    • 变量x的内存地址为2000, ./x86.py -p looping-race-nolock.s -a bx=1 -t 2 -M 2000 -i 1, 请问变量x的值是什么?
  3. (spoc) 了解software-based lock, hardware-based lock, software-hardware-lock代码目录

    • 理解flag.s,peterson.s,test-and-set.s,ticket.s,test-and-test-and-set.s 请通过x86.py分析这些代码是否实现了锁机制?请给出你的实验过程和结论说明。能否设计新的硬件原子操作指令Compare-And-Swap,Fetch-And-Add? ``` Compare-And-Swap

int CompareAndSwap(int ptr, int expected, int new) { int actual = ptr; if (actual == expected) *ptr = new; return actual; }


int FetchAndAdd(int ptr) { int old = ptr; *ptr = old + 1; return old; } ```

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